Author’s Log 1204.24
Spire of Fool’s was published in February which was followed by a short break.

Spire of Fools was published in February which was followed by a short break.
I’ve changed the default size of my paperbacks to be in the 6×9 format. I really like this setup and all future books will be printed in this size also, instead of the 5×8 that was originally used.
I’m currently just over halfway through my latest book called Cut In Half, which will be Book A in the Scurra World series.
The In All Jest series is set in the world of Scurra, and currently on two continents: Dharatan and Enderk.
Cut In Half is a standalone novel which will provide some insight into several characters that appear in Book 3, Spire Of Fools.
It will be much smaller than the In All Jest books have been, and I already have the cover design completed which I am very happy with.
Key work of late:
- Promoting Spire Of Fools
- Running promotions on A Fool’s Errand
- First draft of Cut In Half
- Cover design of Cut in Half
- Outlining Book 4 of the In All Jest series.