illustration of a fantasy landscape with a forest and a river gorge in the distance

Author’s Log 2607.19

The last month has been a busy one in matters unrelated to my fiction writing, so there’s been a break from making solid progress. In completing the latest Non-fiction draft, i set myself a reward for a trip away to reconnect with my novel and get new energy into the editing process. I never had…

Author’s Log 1406.19

Author’s Log 1406.19

At times it feels like I am back at the very beginning writing the first few scenes, and the end of the tunnel is not even imaginable let alone finding any light there. The editing and structural fixes, require lots of time resolving world building elements, and components needed in the later books, that I…

Author’s Log 2203.19

Author’s Log 2203.19

Back in the words, and loving it. Currently working through scenes I identified in my structural audit that needed adjustment. What does that mean? Well in some cases when reviewing the structure of the story I could see that a key scene’s intensity needed to be raised. Think of a scale, if it was only…

Misty view with tower

Author’s Log 2402.19

Major advances in settling key issues around my protagonist and her story line have been made in the previous weeks, as part of edit 2. This was significant but slow moving. It has taken me a lot more time to get my head around resolving key issues in fiction, verse my non-fiction. I have been…